Education Credential Assessment(ECA)
An Educational credential assessment (ECA) is used to verify that
An Educational credential assessment (ECA) is used to verify that
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Distance Education Bureau is responsible for monitoring distance and online
Given Below the All Details About Distance Education Universities Like
There are many variables in each employee get all checks in one go by the most advanced yet simplified background y check system.
Business is the activity of making one living or making money by producing or buying and selling products Simply put it is any activity or enterprise entered into for profit.Cutting out risk at the initial stage is always better than solving problemes.
For Any Business to grow its imperative to HIRE RIGHT!, Given the fact that misconduct and fraud are possible threats in hiring companies should be extremely cautious thus Employee Screening Becomes Crucial by verifying the candidate given credentials.
Edvantage Verification Solution is a product built to be accessed by small to large companies by providing –
Validating the information provided by your employees will save from future fraud or any legal troubles and ensure to keep the team integrity intact....
Verification of Degree is must and should nowadays as increase in migratory employees pan India and international, knowing the authenticity of claimed skill-set and degree is what provides foundation in building team
This Verification Involve Checking With Law Enforcement authorities on possibility of criminal cases/charges/litigation/FIR's
Checking of All Reference is done to ensure the candidate's personal and professional integrity in previous organisations
Verification includes visiting current / permanent residence of the candidates to check genuineness of the details provided by them.
This verification delivers a full range of effective drug screening solutions using only certified and renowned pathology labs to know the history and will help to maintain productivity of the organisation.
Validate the Identity of the candidate (involves pan card, License Ration card etc authentication) to make sure have complete awareness about whereabouts.
Checking of previous and current employer details given by candidate and ensuring the authenticity of the claimed duration,salary,designations and many more
You may select the package suitable for your company and have no worries about your company diligence!
You may select the package suitable for your company and have no worries about your company diligence!